Over 96% of parents of FALI students indicated that they are extremely happy or very happy with FALI.

In response to an open-ended question on why, the most common responses were:

  •  Learning by doing modern agriculture
  • Developing an interest in agriculture
  • Now wanting to pursue careers in agriculture
  • ​Taking lessons home to the family farm

​Over 85% of parents indicated that they are more positive about agriculture as a career for their children as a result of FALI.

Over 75% saw increased opportunities in farming with introduction of modern agriculture.

​About 60% saw more potential in the future of  agriculture in their area.  

About 70% said that they were more positive about agro-enterprise as a career for their children.

​When parents of FALI students were asked about the impact of FALI on their children's abilities and careers, over 85% strongly agreed or agreed that FALI improved their children's abilities to succeed in farming and agro-enterprise, their technical and business knowledge of modern agriculture, and increased their skills in problem solving and leadership.

Vivek Chaudhari from Jalgaon learned about modern methods for banana cultivation and helped his father implement advanced management practices. The family has increased its net income by 15%.


Evaluation by FALI students and parents of Future Agriculture Leaders of India.


Sania from Bhandara has started her own computerized milk collection center earning about 3.6 lakh profit every year


Students' responses on the impact of FALI

The Lives We Impact

Maharashtra: 135 schools, 21 districts.

About 98% of FALI students said they are extremely happy or very happy with FALI.

In response to an open-ended question on why, the most common responses were:

  • Getting knowledge on modern agriculture
  • Receiving practical knowledge through practicums and field visits
  • Increasing their interest in agriculture as a career
  • Learning what they need to succeed in agriculture and agro-enterprise
  • Sharing knowledge with their parents

Over 94% strongly agreed or agreed that FALI improved their ability to be successful in farming and agro-enterprise, technical and business knowledge of agriculture, and skills such as working in groups, problem solving and leadership.

​Nearly 90% said that FALI increased their knowledge of technical and business aspects of farming and agro enterprise tremendously or a lot.

About 91% said that FALI increased their ability to work in groups, problem solving and ability to motivate others tremendously or a lot.

Media Coverage.

​​​Future Agriculture Leaders of India

Parents' responses on the impact of FALI

Gujarat: 20 schools, five districts.


Sonali from Gujarat learned about different breeds of high milk-yielding cattle and animal nutrition and convinced her father to move from traditional breeds to the superior Murrah buffalo. 



Macchindra Chavan from Aurangabad started Om Sai poultry farm and earns 9 lakh profit every year. His father is an agricultural laborer.